Pakistan & TERRORISM 

Pakistan army sniper with steyr SSG-69 rifle

Iraq crisis and Afghanistan war were the main reasons of unstabilty in middle east and South Asia. 

ISLAM became a target of political and economic aggression of West with the determination to have full control of physical resources especially the oil wealth of middle east and strategic position of Pakistan and Afghanistan. The Muslims interpreted it as a persecution of Muslims by Christianity instead of dealing with it as it is. Since their diagnosis is incorrect their prescription too isn’t right by making it a religious issue. Some extremist organizations have resorted to terrorist activities as a part of jihad against enemy which is proving counterproductive to vital interests of Muslims. MUSLIM leadership has failed to respond to this aggression and masses took this matter into their own hands and started a war against west and their own governments for supporting the western agenda. This war isn’t

 JIHAD but simply TERRORISM 

. Use of Force against west isn’t an option neither its feasible nor possible. Force much stronger than arms is diplomacy, negotiation, strategy and dialogue. These aforementioned forces were the reasons of Muslim success during rapid expansion of Islam. Those Muslims defeated Romans, Persians with minute forces it was always hundred Muslims vs thousands of enemies but Muslim superior strategy always made them successful which our present leaders don’t have or are too dull to understand geopolitics. 

Today’s Muslim must learn art of playing strategic games with fewer cards in hand against the opponent with all the aces in possession. 

The increasing western involvement in middle east was totally unacceptable for Muslims. This aggression was interpreted by some as persecution of Muslims and other termed it as legacy of distant past in which one nation inflicted humiliating defeats on the other,as it happened during time of rapid expansion of Islam and the age of crusades.  All of these interpretation give partial explanation the main reason is failure of Muslim world to confront United west on diplomatic platform.

  • Misunderstanding or ignorance 

    Men of religion in Muslim world particularly those with restricted version of fundamentals of Islam think of nothing else but persecution of Muslims as the only motive of West. Some odd utterances are quoted in support of this claim. Our religious scholar is quite proficient in his own domain but he has yet to learn the applied form of his knowledge on to the stark realities of world affairs. The image of Islam he projects has not only confused the Muslim thought but has also created lot of doubts about us in minds of Non-Muslims.

    Muslim gamers pictured by Non-Muslims

    The same way these less informed religious men has presented an over-simplified version of jihad which has transformed into sectarianism and terrorism.

    • JIHAD

    the jihad has various forms

    • The armed jihad is the military operation declared by a competent authority when, in its best judgement,  it has become essential. 
      Pakistan army soldier offers prayers

      • The other form of jihad is to help and protect the family of mujaheedeen who has embraced martyrdom during armed jihad. 
            Imran khan meets parents of martyred children of APS PESHAWAR
            • JIHAD against nafs is greatest jihad and is mandatory. 
            Holy Prophet saying

            The concept of jihad generally presented to illiterate masses is over-simplified and to support this narrative some odd incidents are quoted which incites the general public and they get men willing to fight for them. Their version of jihad is as if it means nothing beyond fighting the infidels in the battlefield or wherever they are found, killing the enemy of islam or get killed to embrace martyrdom. E.g the reference from recently concluded afghan war will make point clear. The fight b/w taliban and northern alliance wasn’t branded as jihad. No sooner US jumped into the fray and discovered justification to call it jihad and recruit jihadis in supoort of TALIBAN. The fight was b/w ethnic warring groups for political benefits and not to please Allah. It came to an end with victory of Northern alliance.

            • TALIBAN (TTP)
            Head of suicide bomber who targeted judges van in peshawar 15 Feb,2017

            . As you can see mullah fazalullah with suicide bomberThe Islam presented by TTP is dominated by primitive beliefs of social order practised by their forefathers. Islam enjoins acquisition of knowledge obligatory on every man and woman but in their scheme of governance all doors of education were slammed shut on the womenfolk. They had blended the fundamentals of Islam with tribal prejudices. In addition to this bloody feuds are part of their life. Their life is governed by a tribal code Blood for blood. Extremism was the motive Force of their fundamentalism. It furnished highly fertile ground for extremist organizations to take root and plan terrorist attacks throughout the region. The governments both afghan and Pakistan had no control over this region across the durand line. This gave them an upper hand to control the public and to recruit jihadis. But Taliban are not to be blamed for all this mess, there is always a mastermind behind any activity in this case award goes to the one and only INDIA. 

            People who are ready to nuke south Asia to fulfill their war fantasy.

             India has approximately 13 + consulates in Afghanistan mostly concentrated along durand line these consulates are the main hub of terrorism these are controlling TTP. These consulates provide taliban with Intel,logistics and necessary weapons to carry out attacks in Pakistan. It has been observed TTP fighers are well armed and trained to carry out attacks on airports,military bases,universities, schools,hospitals and Govt officials. These are all Indian wrong doings. 

            Pakistan extended diplomatic, military and political support to Taliban to drive out soviets of their land in its own intrest. Pakistan achieved its objective but it wasn’t blessing. No one knew the cost Pakistan was going to pay and unimaginable destruction. 

            After a decade the soviets were defeated India took control of Taliban groups and started Insurgency into Pakistan. Pakistan’s proliferative border with Afghanistan was an advantage for them. Pakistan decided to leave Afghan border unfenced considering Afghanistan a brother state but they always backstabbed Pakistan since 1947. Starting from murder of PM liaqat Ali khan to this day. 

             Taliban had easy access to NWFP province aka (KPK) because of open border. Millions of refugees migrated to Pakistan during Soviet war,civil war and Nato invasion. These immigrants imported opium,Ak-47 along with their special brand of Islam. 

            Getting high Afghanistan imports

              Taliban had ethnic, cultural and religious relations with people on Pakistani side so they easily influenced them to join the cause. All the anti-social,anti-government groups joined them and started an insurgency into Pakistan. The irony of this situation is that unstable political situation in Pakistan paved way for this and credible institutions like NADRA issued identity to 1000s of refugees. Who started their activities globally and when they get caught they had a Pakistani NIC card. Indirectly the western bigots labelled Pakistan a terrorism sponser state neglecting the sacrifices of Pakistan.

            Kills,deaths stats

            Pakistan conducted a series of military operations against terrorists

            1. Operation Al-Mizan (2002-2006)
            2. Operation Rah-Haq (November 2007)
            3. Operation Sher-e-Dil ( September 2008)
            4. Operation Zalzala (2008-2009)
            5. Operation Sirat-e-Mustaqeem (2008)
            6. Operation Rah-e-Rast (May 2009)
            7. Operation Rah-e-Nijaat ( October 2009)
            8. Operation Koh-e-Sufaid (July 2011)
            9. Operation Zarb-e-Azb (2013)
            10. Operation Rad-ul-fasad (2017)


            Pakistan lost $118bn dollars on war against terror and unimaginable destruction. 

            Pakistan made sincere efforts to eliminate this menace. Particularly General Raheel Sharif who vowed to defeat terrorists. Pakistan has suffered alot now its time for reprisals and now terrorists and their facilitators will suffer 

            Terrorists trying to enter Pakistan were killed by Pakistan army on 19 Feb, 2017.

            These terrorists deserve more than this. These pagans slaughtered approx. 300-400 children in peshawar Aps attack on 16/12 -2014. These terrorists beheaded over brothers in camouflage. 

            Pakistan army soldier beheaded by terrorists as a reprisal.

            • Can we control terrorists?

            No matter how many terrorists we kill there will be new men to replace them and they will be more fierce. Terrorism can’t be defeated  unless we destroy its mindset. But first we have to differentiate b/w terrorists and freedom fighters. Organizations like Taliban,al-qaeda,ISIS,haqanni network,etc are terrorists organizations but groups like hammas,hizb ul mujaheedeen these are freedom fighters they can’t be label as terrorists. Terrorists can’t be defeated there number is increasing day by day and mostly victims of gross injustice join terrorist organizations. 

            An authoritative instruction should go around to the entire ummah commanding Muslims to shun religious extremism. But question is do we have that kind of centralized authority with moral,religious and administrative back up that will get it implemented.

            • OIC No. It can’t 

            Mecca the city of peace would undoubtedly serve. It should ask all terrorists organizations to stand down and wait for  the announcement of a strategy that would  effectively deal with injustice being heaped upon Muslims. What is at stake isn’t religion its the economic assets of middle-east. Muslims seriously need to take this matter to level through strategy that will check such daylight robberies.

            US intervention in Egypt.

            • United States sins

            Whether its Vietnam, South Asia, middle-east or north africa beyond everyone interest is US NATIONAL INTEREST. The US is out to serve its national interests by boosting its economy at cost of other countries. The real cause of rise in terrorism phenomenon is US involvement. US formulated most wicked policy  based upon some big packs of lies with dirty intentions to commit a highly unethical and immoral naked aggression against Afghanistan and Iraq. Bush made incid of newyork trade center and pentagon the justification for mounting devastating military invasion on these ill equipped poor Muslim Nations without ever looking into the causes of the attacks. US denied justice to Arabs and given the blood hounds of Israel an open license to kill. 

            A day had to dawn for the human patience to run out, but US didn’t learn its lesson. It unilaterally assumed the right to hunt down AL qaeda  the world over with the active support of nation states, which it managed to get at gunpoint. US should’ve simultaneously tried to put right all the wrongs it had done to Arabs in the past. But it appears pride of super power had been hurt to the extent that it became too much for it to bear. It threw all reason,all caution, all balance to wild winds and decided to hit back like a mad boar. The world change all of sudden. 

            Friendship with US comes at price but Pakistan isn’t friend its US slave & slavery is much expensive. 

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