Women rights violations in the name of ISLAM.

  • “man shall protect and take fully care of women with the bounties which God has bestowed more abundantly on him than the latter”. Verse 34 surah al-Nisa 

This is how Allah Almighty commands as in quran.Allama Asad in his “message of the quran” elaborates that the injunction implies physical maintenance and protection of women as a matter of moral obligation and responsibility in other words men are guardians of women. Guardianship is not ownership. A guardian has certain responsibilities to discharge. He is not to treat women as an article of moveable property. He is to protect her life and honour. He is to ensure that she doesn’t fall prey to sense of deprivation. Her self-respect as a human is not violated. A guardian isn’t a master and women isn’t his maid. He isn’t a ruler and she isn’t his slave. He isn’t an officer and she isn’t his employee .Women isn’t a concubine of a landlord,sardar or wadera.she isn’t a tenant of jagirdar. She isn’t an article of possession like a cow or sheep. She is human just as a man and man is only a guardian, a trustee, a protector. Nothing more nothing less.

  1. Are we following Islam!


Muslims in 21st century are Muslims by name.They don’t follow teachings of islam yet they claim to be Muslims. These Muslims have militated God’s commandments and brought down social status of women to level of slaves or animals.

Following factors encouraged man to do so

  • Physical strength and sense of superiority over women 

The physical weakness of women made her vulnerable to oppression which she couldn’t resist e.g if we look into the pashtun system

All doors of education are slammed shut on womenfolk while islam commands knowledge obligatory on men and women.

Holy Prophet said

“seek knowledge if you have to go to as far as China”

The forefathers of these pashtun tribes blended the Islamic fundamentals with tribal prejudices and they deprive women of basic right and she certainly became an object of amusement and object of property. Not pashtuns entire Pakistan is suffering the same.

  • When islam fell into hands of less informed men

Islam was secure and progressing rapidly when it was in hands of well informed Alim and devotees but as it fell in to the hands of mullahs(lackey of feudal master)who interpreted Islamic fundamentals in a radical context and then changed the dimensions of society and deprived women of their rights and downgraded her social status .e.g mullah being a man preaches absolute rights of man over woman. In this present time in country like Pakistan mullahs are especially kids who left home or children of poor people who grow in sufferings are sent to madrassah where  they are taught by less informed teachers and they certainly create same less informed students. To deny inheritance the father in collusion with sons would marry his daughter to holy quran,a mullah introduced rule.

  • Feudalistic political, social and economic system 

Since the partition the south Asia has passed through worst conditions and this scenario changed the mentality of people and they left teachings of islam and adapted to some insane activities just like “hungry man is an angry man” e.g jirga system, panchayat,wani,child marriage, marriage of little girls with old men and quran, bloody feuds all of these traditions are prohibited in Islam and shariah but so called Muslims resorted to these activities and these are still practised in South Asia.

Father would marry his teenage daughter to 80 year old man to get rid of a bad situation. A brother would kill his sister because she disgraced him. Girls are exchanged for wealth and political reasons 

  • Consequences of neglecting Islamic teachings 

The Govt of Pakistan especially made no efforts for women rights. The irony of this situation is Govt officials in Pakistan are the dacoit,wadera or sardar of their respective  areas. Who can’t even recite the kalma tayyiba but they he claims to be a pious Muslim.in this injustice Govt is responsible equally. Keeping women illetrate for such a long period is the main reason south Asia is still in feudal age.an educated women gives scholars,scientists,leaders to nation while keeping her away from knowledge and education you will be ruled out from humans.

  • Follow ISLAM 

Islam gave women her rights and protected her rights and the only way we can propser in this world is we should follow teachings of holy Prophet and practice islam in daily life.

To understand islam read the quran and understand it

We have read alot of books in our life but read the quran once and understand it you’ll find nothing more beautiful,informative and helpful in this world. Instead of creating new things why don’t you just make the things right.


5 thoughts on “Women rights violations in the name of ISLAM.

  1. SubhanAllah thank you for taking the time to address these atrocities that take place in our society and yes those bloody fake rules which people relate to Islam are all junk and have nothing to do with it. It just disgusts me when I hear someone doing something as Crazy as Marrying to Quran like whaaaaaaat???

    These rules made by fake people sicken me and honour killings is also one of the most stupidest thing people actually do in Pakistan – like how crazy would it be to actually kill the girl who got raped because it’s a shame to the family – it happens in real – WTH! There’s no honour in such blatant act of reflecting ignorance and ridiculousness of the tiny brains that these people have.

    Ugh it sickens me to think about it now even.

    I hope everything gets better and may Allah make good minded people to govern the principles of Islam so that more than half the Muslim population (female folk) can be treated right. Amen.

    Happy breathing! Thanks for writing this post again.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We’ve reached this far end that
      Call us savages it suits us but calling us Muslims is injustice. No Muslim will commit such crimes in the name of islam.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeah agree big time – Savages suits us so much better. Its saddening to see so many people leaving Islam because of the people who call themselves muslims are acting like Savages.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. We need to highlight the difference between Muslims and savages to save the dignity of Islam.
        Thats the only door left to seek forgiveness from Allah.


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